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Operator of this website:
Dr. Erik Austad
General practitioner
Elective doctor
Hausnummer 31
6138 Kühtai
Tel: +43 5239 5219
Fax: +43 5239 5219
Banking details:
Name: Dr. Erik Austad
Institute: Tiroler Sparkasse Bank AG
IBAN: AT38 5700 0300 5555 3901
(International Bank Account Number)
Opening hours:
Monday – Friday: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
an on appointment
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W9 Studios OG
Scheibeweg 127, 6072 Lans
Tel: +43 650 9901990
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W9 Studios OG/Seiwald
Tirol Werbung/Aichner Bernhard
Tirol Werbung/Jenewein Markus
TVB Innsbruck/Höhenleistungszentrum Kühtai
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